Leadership Consulting

High Performing Teams

Building High-Performing Teams on Executive and Operational Level

Birkman High-Performing Teams Workshop

The velocity in today´s technologically-driven marketplaces creates so much challenges and uncertainty that teams are often not equipped to solve the complex, changing problems they face. This affects in-tact executive teams as well as teams on operational level.

To build resilience and adaptiveness to the VUCA world, the foundation for high-performance has to be implemented. This is by leveraging the power of Purpose, Clarity and Psychological Safety that help teams better align and collaborate more effectively in agile environments.

For more information on our current capabilities and to discuss your own requirements register with our Leaders' Circle or contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at our Headquarters +32 2 663 1600

Copyright Hightech Partners 2023


For building the foundation of high-performing teams we provide a dedicated workshop that provides a complete framework with tools to drive awareness, action, and enhance teams work together. The three pillars of this workshop include:

Purpose: Why the team exists, how they help the organization, and how stakeholders and customers benefit

Clarity: Alignment between people and tasks to achieve team goals

Psychological Safety: An environment where team members can take interpersonal risks that improve learnings and increase collaboration

By using these pillars teams and the individuals within those teams, assess their strengths and opportunities for growth. If a team is missing any of these three pillars, it´s almost destined to fail. A common Purpose, Clarity, and Psychological Safety are essential elements that address the interpersonal and tactical ways that high-performing teams intentionally work together.

The following benefits will be delivered to the team:

  • Greater focus and alignment create clarity around roles and responsibilities.
  • Virtual or in-person teams with a shared purpose increase motivation and results.
  • Leveraging all perspectives, viewpoints and diverse skills improves the team’s performance.
  • Open communication, transparency and trust helps teams work through challenges together.
  • Tips for self-management that increase emotional intelligence and help improve collaboration.
  • Develop action plans to immediately start improving team performance.
